The Relationship Sanctuary!

Coming Soon!

Get notified when we open registration and receive the early bird price; you will be grandfathered in at the price. 35 EBs available:

The Relationship Sanctuary

Coming Soon!

Get notified when we open registration:

The Relationship Sanctuary is a one-stop relationship community where you will find the answers that have eluded you, possibly for years.

Members of The Sanctuary know that every relationship begins with us. We take responsibility for where we're at. We are not victims of our past or present. We don't make excuses or complain about what we can't change. We don't listen to the inner critic, the ego, or the outside world. Instead, we listen to our intuition, respond to problems and people, and not react. Relationship Sanctuary members recognize their worth, power, and talents and live up to their highest potential in relationships and every area of their lives through learning, healing, and creating so they can live the life they dream of and deserve.


You will find insights & strategies to heal, stop blaming, & learn to communicate effectively through understanding, empathy, and compassion.

Dating The Right Way

The focus is on finding connections with healthy, fun, and secure partners. Learn how to create meaningful relationships built on trust, joy, and emotional well-being.

Healing Thy Self

A safe space for individuals to heal, explore, understand, and nurture their inner child. You will reclaim your self-worth, balance, and rebuild your foundation.

Divorce Support

Welcome to Divorce Support Group! A compassionate community to help guide you through the challenges of this life-changing transition. You will find understanding, empathy, and healing.